While global activity subsided during the Covid pandemic, the Haifa Economic Corporation took the initiative to renew and strengthen Haifa's commerce, launching a wide variety of activities to save the city's small businesses.

The Corporation held a conference at the Sami Ofer Stadium on June 15 2020, in support and to strengthen Haifa's businesses. The conference was attended by nearly 150 Haifa business owners of small to medium businesses and included a meeting with different bank representatives to examine the means and opportunities for going "back to normal".

In a joint initiative of the Haifa Economic Corporation and the Haifa Municipality in support of Haifa's medical teams throughout the city's hospitals, food rations were delivered from over 30 restaurants and bars worth 10% of the daily revenue accrued from the deliveries to the medical teams.

The Corporation is promoting the "Gradation" program for vocational transformation of adults over 50. At the end of 2020, the first class opened with 17 participants. By the end of the program the participants gain a business and marketing plan for their next career period.

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