Since the early 1970s, the Haifa Economic Corporation has been initiating, planning and participating in dozens of real estate and environmental development projects, serving as the city's growth levers for employment, tourism, culture, recreation and leisure.
The Corporation invests in the development of industrial areas, public buildings, office buildings in industrial high-tech and technology complexes, infrastructure and development of cultural centers, tourist exploration streets, scenic roads, promenades, beaches and more.
Among the numerous real estate projects initiated and built by the Corporation are the high-tech complexes in Haifa's southern outskirts - MATAM Park and the Life Sciences Park; the IBM building next to the University of Haifa on Mt. Carmel; the Haifa International Congress Center; the Sami Ofer International Stadium; the famous Ben Gurion Boulevard at the foot of the Baha'i Temple Terraces; promenades and the Dado and Zamir Beaches all the way to the Carmel Beach front, as well as Naot Beach in Kiryat Haim; the sports park in Kiryat Haim and more.